
A powerful fighter who effortlessly wields a large greatsword to slay opponents. This fighter leads others in combat with his strong armor and unwavering resolve.


A forbidden ability that abruptly alters the Inner Force Loci's direction in order to forcefully unleash one's full potential.
Power: 150

Void Slash
Using a swift slash as if to cut through space, a sword skill that sends a linear Sword Force wave.
Power: 150

Barbaric Charge
An audacious warrior's talent that allows you to dash into the heart of the opposing camp and fling chains in all directions to drag and take down foes.
Power: 150

Splitting Slash
a quick motion that extensively swings a weapon. Its immense strength and energy, however, nullify all enemy tactics and skills and obliterate all in its path.
       Power: 150

Iron Shackle
A wonderful binding ability that binds numerous adversaries in your vicinity and drags them all toward you.
Power: 150

A ability that provides a superb defensive stance while deflecting every attack from the opposition and searches for opportunities to tip the balance with a single swordslash.
Power: 150

Lion's Roar
A roar is produced when you focus Inner Force that is gathered from deep within you and it transforms into a weapon potent enough to tremble heaven and earth.
Power: 150

Body Check
It can deliver a shock akin to being struck by a large boulder by fusing the melee fighting ability of a Body Check with the potent PHYS skill and armor weight of a Warrior.
Power: 150

Ground Smash
Jumping up and slamming down on a target location causes earthquake-like devastation.
Power: 150

Dragon Flame
A Warrior's Ultimate that summons Chi Fire using extremely yang-centered qigong, infuses it into a sword, and then suddenly releases it, burning the surrounding region to the ground.
Power: 150

Gale Slash
Sword Force unleashes an uncontrollable storm in the vicinity when it is wielded violently.
Power: 150

Unbreakable Stance
a technique for self-defense that whirls the body into a spiral to ward off dangers.
Power: 150

Crescent Strike
A sword technique that allows you to join the Sword Force and cut through the opposing line by swinging a sword horizontally and forming a large crescent-shaped Sword Force.
Power: 150

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